What's the Difference Between a College and a Career College?

By Tess Campbell Modified on September 06, 2024
Tags : Academics | Careers | Money

Discover what makes public colleges and private career colleges in Canada different from each other.

 What’s the difference between a College and a Career College?

As you begin your search for post-secondary schools, you may come across two different types of colleges: public college (often just called college) and career college. Both may seem similar at first, which may have you wondering, “what is the difference between a college and a career college?” and “does it really matter which one I choose?” Yes, there are a few key differences between these types of colleges that may impact which direction you choose.

Discover the top five ways how public colleges and career colleges are different:

1. Cost of your education

The biggest difference between public colleges and private career colleges is the cost. Public colleges are largely funded by the government which subsidizes the cost of tuition. This means that your tuition fees are usually cheaper at public colleges, especially if you’re a domestic student.

Private career colleges don’t receive any funding from the government, so they rely more heavily on tuition fees. This means that your tuition fees may be more expensive than at public colleges. However, private career college tuition typically doesn’t vary in price between domestic and international students.

Be sure to keep in mind other factors that may impact your education and finances: location, scholarships and awards, and if the school is a Designated Learning Institute (for international students).

2. Program options

Since public colleges are funded by the government and have a larger student enrolment, there is a greater range of programs that are offered. At public colleges, you’ll find a variety of programs that cater to both career-oriented and academic pursuits. For example, one school could offer programs in fashion, design, technology, media, business, marketing, engineering technologies, and many more.

At private career colleges, there are a limited variety of courses to choose from. However, the programs that are offered at these colleges are more vocational and career-focused, meaning what you’ll learn in class is tied directly into what employers are currently looking for in the market. Some popular career college program areas include healthcare, law, business, and technology.

3. Program length

The length of programs also varies among public and private career colleges. Most public colleges offer a more traditional timeline for their programs — two-year diploma programs and three-to-four-year bachelor’s programs.

In contrast, many private career colleges offer one- to two-year programs. However, many of these schools will often offer accelerated programs, where you’ll complete your program in a shorter amount of time. Some schools offer programs that don’t exceed one year. So, you could complete your program and start your career much sooner than your public college counterparts.

4. Class sizes

Due to the cheaper tuition fees and better recognition, there are more students who attend public colleges. So, your class sizes will be larger. Keep in mind that class sizes for colleges in general are still typically smaller than at Canadian universities.

However, private colleges will have fewer students, meaning much smaller class sizes. This could increase your one-on-one time with your professors, giving you a greater opportunity to establish valuable connections and gain more help with your schoolwork. Due to the smaller enrolment numbers at private career colleges, there may be fewer academic support resources available. Most career colleges will provide career services support to help you find a job when you graduate.

5. Visas and Post-Graduate Work Permits

If you’re an international student looking to study in Canada, then there are some new changes you need to know about. The Canadian government has capped the number of international student permit applications for 2024 and 2025. This means that each province has a limited number of international students they can accept, and each province’s applications will be divided up amongst university and college programs that support in-demand jobs in Canada.

Unfortunately, for some provinces, like Ontario, career colleges won’t be able to receive any student permit applications.

As for the post-graduate work permit (PGWP) program, starting May 15, 2024, students who attend a career college or private university will not be eligible for a PGWP. Post-graduate work permits allow students to stay in Canada after their program ends and can help lead them to permanent residency. So, if you attend a public college or university, this change won’t affect you!

Ultimately, your choice depends on what you want to get out of your education. If smaller class sizes are a big attraction for you, then check out some private career colleges. If affordability is the biggest factor for you, then explore your options for public colleges!

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